Companies, business owners and individuals have been using vehicle tracking systems in Australia for many years, it’s not a new technology, but it has improved throughout the years in both cost reduction, features and accuracy.

Using a Vehicle Tracking System in Australia provides many benefits, when managing a own business or a fleet of vehicles. It will help to increase productivity, reduce costs, overheads and improve customer satisfaction.
Benefits of Vehicle Tracking Systems Australia
The main benefits of using a vehicle tracking system is as follows
- Reduce Customer Response Times
- Increased accuracy in time sheets
- Reduce costly repairs
- Reduce theft and loss
- Decrease the cost of insurance
To see more information about these points, please visit the link below
Picking a Vehicle Tracking System
There are many providers of GPS tracking systems in Australia to choose from. It can be a bit overwhelming when researching, so it’s a good idea to make a Pros/Cons spreadsheet when carrying out this research.
Please see the link below for some things to consider when researching & ultimately making your choice on who to go with.
Legality of Vehicle Tracking Systems in Australia and Monitoring Employees
Australia does not have a federal law on monitoring employees in Australia, however each individual state defines their own statutes covering the restrictions and use of GPS tracking devices & systems. Currently, only Tasmania and Queensland do not have legislation.
The GPYes Flagship Product
Get up and running quickly
The quickest, cheapest and easiest way to get started with GPS tracking your fleet is to purchase a 4G GPS Tracker which plugs directly into your vehicles OBD diagnostic port.

Introducing the brand new 4G GPYes Tracket – a tracking device which supports the 4G network, as well as 3G.
As the 4G LTE network MHz bands are different in each country, there are 3 versions of the GPYes Tracket which is offered.
The GPYes Tracket will plug into your vehicles diagnostic port (commonly referred to as the ‘OBD port’.). This means you can install the device without any costly installation fees.
A vehicle tracking system combines automatic GPS vehicle location of vehicles with software that communicates this data with devices that are installed within a vehicle.
Typical vehicle tracking systems use the technology of GPS or GLONASS for locating the vehicle. However, other types of automatic vehicle tracking technology is able to be used.
Vehicle location data can be viewed on map overlays through the Internet using software, or applications.
City public transit authorities are an example of a common user of vehicle tracking systems.